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Telefon mobil Samsung Galaxy A54, Dual SIM, 8GB RAM, 256GB, 5G, Awesome White

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Telefon mobil Samsung Galaxy A54, Dual SIM, 8GB RAM, 256GB, 5G, White 

Samsung Logo Vector Art, Icons, and Graphics for Free Download
The top half of a Galaxy A54 5G's backside in Awesome Lime is shown with water droplets splashing around it.


Top 4 caracteristici




Cu un finisaj de sticla premium, un aspect curat al camerei foto si culori energizante, Galaxy A54 5G poarta identitatea ”Awesome” pe un cadru perfect si gratios.


Surprinde momentele Awesome, cu mai multe camere


Inregistreaza videoclipuri Awesome cu usurinta

Cu VDIS si un unghi OIS mai larg, Galaxy A54 5G te ajuta sa filmezi videoclipuri de inalta calitate, cu usurinta, prin reincadrare automata si focalizare automata.


Admirabila camera foto


Four friends pose to take a picture at night, sitting in front of structures and neon purple lights. Camera icon and #WithGalaxy text are shown.

Retraieste-ti noptile vibrante cu Nightography

Nightography Awesome

Doar fotografiaza. Galaxy A54 5G surprinde fotografii intense cu senzorul de imagine avansat. Cand este intuneric, camera ta trece automat in modul noapte.


A woman, smiling and wearing a purple outfit, takes a high-quality selfie in front of a blue background. Camera icon and #WithGalaxy text are shown.

Camera foto de care aveai nevoie

Camera foto frontalã

Dezvolta-ti selfie-urile cu camera foto frontal de 32 MP. Invata sa-ti placa sa faci fotografii cu rezolutie Inalta, culori vibrante si focalizare clara.



Transforma remarcabilul in Awesome

Photo Remaster

Perfectioneaza-ti fotografille cu Photo Remaster. Redu neclaritatea si zgomotul de imagine, in timp ce cresti rezolutia fotografiilor tale cu un instrument intuitiv, bazat pe inteligenta artificiala.



Pastrezi doar ceea ce iti place

Object Eraser

Nu trebuie sa astepti fotografia perfecta. Realizezi fotografia si editezi obiectele nedorite, umbrele, reflexile si multe altele cu Object Eraser.


Luminos si clar, chiar si in lumina soarelui

Iubesti ceea ce vezi. Ecranul FHD+ Infinity-O de 6,4 inci ofera o imagine vibranta, cu vizibilitate extraordinara in aer liber si difuzare cursiva si placuta, cu rate de reimprospatare de pana la 120 Hz.


A woman is looking at Galaxy A54 5G under bright sunlight, with a skateboard on her lap.




Two Galaxy A54 5Gs overlap to show both the backside and the front screen. On the screen, 5G is shown. On the left device that shows the backside, a skateboarder is riding the device as he would a skateboard up towards the sky.


Viteza te va duce mai departe


Vezi unde te poate duce viteza. Dezlantuie-ti potentialul n 5G, pentru viteze de retea extrem de rapide, care iti depasesc limitele, pentru a face mai mult.


The octa-core processor is shown, slightly levitating inside the hardware.


Oferd-ti un impuls pentru a depasi limitele


Atinge-ti potentialul la performanta maxima. Puternicul procesor octa-core deschide o noua gama de posibilitati, cu performanta si capacitate sporite.


In an outdoor concert hall setting, many people are sitting on the grass. In the foreground, two large Galaxy A54 5Gs in Awesome Lime are also sitting on the grass, overlapping to show both the backside and the front screen. On the screen, the Gallery app is opened to show many pictures in its album.


Pastreaza-ti amintirile


Cu 128 GB/256 GB de stocare interna, plus suport pentru un card microD de pana la 1 TB, ai loc pentru toate momentele tale pretioase.


Rezista mai mult de doua zile

Bateria de 5.000 mAh* Galaxy A54 5G te pastreaza activ(a) mai mult de 2 zile.**


Two Galaxy A54 5Gs overlap by a corner to show both the backside and the front screen. On the screen, a fully charged battery icon is shown. To the left of the devices are two climbers hiking up on the contours of the devices at daylight. To the right, two friends are enjoying a campfire at night.


Interactiune Awesome

A hand taps on the screen of a Galaxy A54 5G, changing the zoom ratio of a photo of a skateboarder.
Porneste emotiile cu senzorul tactil


Sistemul tactil imbunatatit al Galaxy A54 5G iti optimizeaza experienta, prin vibratii care spun o poveste.

A woman is taking a photo in the rain with a Galaxy A54 5G in Awesome Lime.
Construit pentru cei rezistenti si duri


Pregateste-te pentru a forta limitele. Capacitatea de rezistenta la apa si praf a dispozitivului Galaxy A54 5G te mentine in siguranta, cu durabilitate atat pentru ape putin adanci, cat si pentru drumuri prafuite.

A Galaxy A54 5G is placed on a surface on its back with concentric waves in dynamic colors emitted from the phone. To the bottom, Dolby Atmos logo is shown.
Sunet amplificat si imbogatit


Imbunatatite cu Dolby Atmos, difuzoarele stereo ale telefonului Galaxy A54 5G te invaluie intr-o experienta audio completa si bogata.

Two Galaxy A54 5Gs in Awesome Lime are side by side. On the screen of the first device is the OS Update icon. On the screen of the second device, the Knox Advanced Setting icon is shown.
Ai parte de suport de acum incolo

Actualizare OS si securitate MR.


Experienta Samsung Galaxy

An older Galaxy device is next to the Galaxy device for performing Smart Switch. In between them is the Smart Switch icon. The old device shows that it is connected while the new device shows
Smart Switch

Incepi exact de unde ai ramas cu noul tau dispozitiv Samsung Galaxy, printr-un transfer simplu.

A group of people is watching the same Image on each of their devices. On the right is a Galaxy smartphone displaying Quick share screen. Quick share icon can be seen next to the phone.
Quick Share

Partajarea fisierelor, fotografiilor si documentelor a devenit rapida si protejata.

Different Galaxy devices can be seen. From the left is Galaxy Watch, Galaxy Buds, Galaxy Book,
Experienta conectata

Creste-ti productivitatea si creativitatea cu dispozitivele Samsung Galaxy.

Galaxy Z Flip on the left has a wallpaper and digital clock widget. Next to it, Galaxy Z Fold's screen is split into three sections. Above it, Galaxy Tab's taskbar is
One UI

Ofera-i dispozitivului tau Samsung Galaxy un aspect care te reprezinta si fa-l sa functioneze in felul tau cu One UI.

The top half of a Galaxy A54 5G is shown. The screen is blue with a big Knox logo. Surrounding the device are icons for Files, Contacts, Gallery, and Calendar.
Confidentialitate si securitate

Pastreaza-ti datele in siguranta cu Samsung Knox. Secure Folder creeaza o protectie suplimentara, cu un spatiu criptat in interiorul dispozitivului tau.

A group of friends, who have their arms around each other, are animated and below a large Samsung Members Logo.
Samsung Members

Obtine sfaturi si trucuri pentru a debloca intregul potential al dispozitivului tau.








Cameră frontală (selfie)

32 mpx

Cameră principală

50 mpx

Capacitate acumulator

5000 mAh



Dimensiune ecran

6.4 inch



Memorie internă

256 GB

Memorie RAM

8 GB


Galaxy A54




Samsung Exynos 1380



Sistem de operare


Sloturi SIM

Dual SIM

Tip display


Tip Produs


